Our Specialists

Cardiology & Cardiovascular

The Hospital That Cares For Life And Humanity

Cardiology & Cardiovascular

In the Cardiology and Vascular Diseases Department, we take pride in having a team of consultants and specialists dedicated to diagnosing and treating heart diseases. We perform catheterization procedures around the clock, in addition to Stress Tests and Cardiac Monitoring, to ensure comprehensive and accurate care for our patients.

Our Cardiovascular Specialists

Head of Cardiac Center - Consultant, Invasive Cardiology
Consultant, Cardiology
Consultant in Cardiac Catheterization
Consultant, Invasive Cardiology
Consultant ,Cardiac and Aortic Surgery
Cardiovascular Consultant, Cardiac Electrophysiology
Consultant Cardiologist and ECG
Specialist in General Cardiology
Cardiovascular Consultant
Registrar, Cardiology
Registrar, Cardiology